All items shipped after 24th September

Sleepy Nico's Highlights of 2014

In the last month of 2014, in the last week of the autumn term I am finding just a minute to look back at what has been such an amazing year for Sleepy Nico and for me.

In February I attended a four day Slingababy Course to become a babywearing consultant - this was very exciting and tough too, I learned so much about different slings and carriers, correct fitting and the physiology behind carrying. I have been able to implement much of my learning into Sleepy Nico. It was also great to get to know the inspirational Lorette and catch up with some of the Suffolk Babywearing ladies.

Our toddler carrier passed all the important parts of safety testing in spring and we were able to offer toddler size Sleepy Nico carriers made to order. Since then we have made some amazing carriers including the SplashMaps made from a waterproof map of the Peak District. Watch out for our toddler collection to be launched next year.

As well as Kerri, the fabulous Jane and Ana joined the team. Kerri makes all your toddler carriers and some of the custom made baby ones. Ana produces our collection and many of your custom made baby designs. Jane is a saint and does all the cutting and she organises me quite a bit too!

We are very proud to have supported a number of charities this year. An Edith was auctioned for Raising for Rana in the spring and we ran our own auction to raise money and awareness for DIPG and Daisy. We also launched our charity carrier of the year - the stunning Lucy, from which £10 of every sale goes to The Honey Rose Foundation.

We are delighted to be supporting the UP Project - which works to ensure that children in low income families who are disadvantaged are given the opportunity to experience the benefits of being carried in a baby sling or carrier.

Sleepy Nico made the I Love Owls collection and some gorgeous Limited Edition Liberty Prints. Look out for more Limited Edition designs next year too. We had two competitions which resulted in some fun name ideas for the Mrs Jumbo print and for International Babywearing Week some fantastic photos - thanks to all those who entered.

You can now buy suck pads to match your Sleepy Nico carrier and this is because of the wonderful Sarah at Tuesday's Child who we are so pleased to be working with. Sarah makes gorgeous babywearing accessories and is another Sheffield lady. Thanks Sarah.

Finally, Sleepy Nico has introduced me to some of the loveliest, most dedicated and passionate people out there. Rosie K, Rosie D, Kiri-Kay, Amy, Lorette, Ali D and Lindsay and Furbs. Thanks for all your support and everyone else who I didn't name too. Looking forward to a brilliant 2015.

Angeline x




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