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Bids for Babies Auction

I don't think it's usual for a business owner to pour their heart out on their business blog, but this evening I just wanted to share a little something with you so that you might go and take a look at the Bids for Babies auction page.

I have two lovely daughters and in between having them I had a few horrid years when I had miscarriage after miscarriage. The last one I had was a late one and I lost a little boy when I was 22 weeks pregnant. It is an experience that haunts me but filled me with hope too. I received great care at the time and then later when I was pregnant again with my second daughter from both the NHS and two particular charities.

Now I support The Miscarriage Association and Tommy's when ever I can. This week an amazing lady called Jenny is holding the final week of an auction called Bids for Babies to raise money for Tommy's. The item you can win is a Sleepy Nico Baby Carrier - the Fairy Tale design. Please do go and visit her page if you are interested and help this worthwhile charity.


Thanks for reading and happy bidding.




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