All items shipped after 24th September

Back to the beginning!

Almost six years ago, Sleepy Nico became part of my working life (as well as an invaluable tool for our family's parenting) and every evening I sat at our kitchen table and beavered away, often with my youngest daughter asleep in our sling. For the past three years though Sleepy Nico has been located in a studio in Sudbury, the town where we lived. It has been great, giving us much needed space back at home and a more professional working environment for myself and the freelance staff that make Sleepy Nico tick.

Last summer though, my family and I moved away from Sudbury to our dream home and I have been commuting over an hour to work ever since. This has sort of worked as my children have remained at the same school (complicated story) but now our time at the school is drawing to a close and so has Sleepy Nico's story in Sudbury. I am sorry to be leaving the studio, we have been part of a thriving community of small businesses and a support network of friends. It has also been the location of our photo shoots and we have great links with the babywearing community.

Part of the reason we decided to run Sleepy Nico was that I could do so around my children and every school holiday we struggle, especially since the house move. Many a day I've had the girls sitting on the floor colouring whilst I frantically packed orders or organised deliveries. Long hours in the car 'for work' have been endured with the promise of a visit to a playground at the end. This summer they can play in our garden whilst I do that and I can leave the admin to the evenings if need be. I want to enjoy these precious days rather than race through them. 

Working for yourself can be really rewarding but also a struggle, I know that I'll relish the time with the girls but miss the interaction I had with others at the business centre. The view from my office window will be prettier though :).

Please bear with me whilst I settle back in, there will be new phone no's, a new courier and new ways of working to get organised.

Thank you

Angeline x

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