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International Babywearing Week 2018

October already and our family is thinking about half term holidays and Halloween. Before then though is an event in my work calendar - International Babywearing Week is here again and I really love the theme this year. Babywearing Has.....

I have been reading posts all week about what babywearing has done for so many friends and I have been thinking about what it has done for me. 10 years of the celebration and in fact a decade of it's impact on my life.

Babywearing has given me the chance to carry my babies when they were small, keep them close and help them sleep.

Babywearing has inspired the creation of my business and a new role as an entrepeneur alongside being a mother.

Babywearing has introduced me to some wonderful new people and friends in my life. You have made my life a richer and more interesting one, thank you.

Babywearing has introduced me to a whole new culture and community of people.

What has babywearing done for you?

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