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It’s the most wonderful time of the year – or is it?

Christmas can sometimes feel overwhelming for parents particularly those with very young children. If you’re one for elaborate decorations, cooking, baking and entertaining, then being tied to a newborn who needs frequent feeding can feel a little frustrating. That, coupled with the exhaustion that’s an inevitable part of new parenthood, can make seasonal cheer seem completely alien.


Don’t worry. We have some top tips for helping you through the holidays…


Take care of yourself

Your first responsibility is to your baby but your second should be to yourself. Don’t put yourself under any unrealistic pressure. This means no extra house guests, no extravagant meals and making sure you get some rest.


You are not supermum (or dad)

There is no such thing. Accept that you can’t do everything yourself and learn to say yes when help is offered.




Christmas really is just one day, but it is one day that we spend lots of money on and lots of time planning. When you have a new baby at Christmas, you need to plan even more. Try buying presents as early as September and buying food that’s pre-pre-prepared. Shop online, wrap early, fill the freezer.


Don’t agree to play host

Chances are, a quiet Christmas day is going to be just what you need. And actually, this makes your baby’s first Christmas even more special.



Forget flawless

With a baby, you’re lucky if you can cram in a cold fish finger in between sips of lukewarm tea. So, it is best to keep your expectations in perspective. No matter how successfully you channel Martha Stewart, you should not expect perfection.


It will be special

Your baby’s first Christmas is a special milestone so don’t feel like you have to go overboard with family traditions to make it memorable. There will be lots of opportunity to deck the halls in the future.


And finally…

There a few things as precious as a babe in arms.

But our final top tip is to try a babe in a sling – allowing you to go hands free.


Your local Sling Library will have a selection of slings available to try – and finding the right one for you could be a revelation. Visit to find your nearest one.




It will allow you to hold your little one close whilst preparing for and enjoying the festivities.


Angeline x





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