All items shipped after 24th September

Sleepy Nico supports Bryn's Helping Hand

One of the most amazing things about running your own business is being able to use it as a way of helping others. At Sleepy Nico we love to bring families together with the help of our carriers but there's more to it than this.


I first met my lovely friend Rosie when she was pregnant with her second son Bryn, who was born with a life limiting condition called Trisomy 18.



Bryn lived for six months and had an incredible impact on Rosie's family, his legacy is Bryn's Helping Hand – a small charity supporting families with babies born with life limiting and threatening conditions. They are also working to increase the use of kangaroo care in hospitals.


Rosie and her family chose a beautiful fabric with feathers on and named the baby carrier made with it Bryn. Sleepy Nico promised £10 from the sale of each of these carriers to Bryn's Helping Hand and it felt amazing earlier this year to give Rosie's charity £500. As an individual this is a sum I would never be able to give but as a business owner I have been able to.



To read more about the work of Bryn's Helping Hand please visit


Bryn is still available to buy from our website.


Sleepy Nico will be launching a new charity carrier this autumn


Angeline x






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