Order before 20th December for delivery in time for Christmas

Suffolk Babywearing Exhibition

Autumn has arrived and whilst we are getting ready for the launch of our new collection we are very excited to show you something rather beautiful first.

Meet 'Family Forest' the exclusive Sleepy Nico carrier for the Suffolk Babywearing Exhibition being held in Bury St Edmunds on October 1st. We are delighted to be the Gold Sponsors of this amazing event and hope to meet many of you there.

Family Forest was chosen because we feel it represents the love and community spirit of families in Suffolk. Through Sleepy Nico and babywearing we have met so many wonderful, kind, creative and beautiful people and their children. It is a priviledge to run a family and baby oriented business alongside them.

Family Forest is now available to preorder at the exclusive price of £75 to be collected at the Suffolk Babywearing Exhibition. If you would like to have one of these lovely carriers please email Angeline at info@sleepynico.com to organise payment and collection.

*Please be aware this preorder offer is only available for a limited number of carriers and Family Forest will be available to buy through the Sleepy Nico website from October 15th alongside the new designs for the autumn collection.


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