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We Love Sling Libraries

I used to be a librarian, I trained as one after university and worked in libraries for a couple of years. I am often asked why I don't or didn't run a sling library when my children were small and the reason is simple, until I took on SleepyNico I had never heard of one. 11 Years ago when my first daughter was born I went to a local playgroup or to the park to meet other parents. My first sling was a hand me down from a friend and most new mums I knew used a narrow based high street carrier bought from Mothercare or John lewis.

Like the 'old lady' my children think I am I will say 'gosh times have changed'. A huge network of sling libraries now exist, not just in the UK but around the world and as the owner of SleepyNico I have had the privilege to work with many of them. In fact thanks to the many sling libraries in the UK, SleepyNico has a happy and devoted customer base. It's simple really – 'try before you buy'. When a new parent contacts me about buying a SleepyNico, I always suggest they try one out first. As a small business run from home I cannot offer a fitting service or afford a retail space so I send them to their local sling library. Not only will they get the chance to try out a SleepyNico but a range of carriers that could work for them. If they then buy one of ours both they and myself know that this is the right carrier for them. It means a happy customer, baby and small business owner – I don't want to have to deal with returns.

Sling library sessions are usually run by qualified consultants or peer supporters so you can receive expert and experienced help. There is often tea and cake and the chance for you and your little ones to socialise. It's an opportunity to get out the house as well as to find out useful information. If you don't have a local sling library there are also postal services – we find these work particularly well for our toddler size as not so many libraries stock them.

So sling libraries are good for business but on a personal note I can honestly say I have made wonderful friends through working with sling libraries. They are run by lovely, giving, family focused people and it's great to have them in my life (you know who you are ;)).

September is Sling Library Appreciation Month – if you haven't visited yours, take an hour out to meet some lovely parents and try on a range of slings that could make life easier and brighter for you and your little one.

Angeline x


Useful resources:

Sling Library Appreciation Month

Find your local sling library on the Sling Pages

Postal sling libraries - Big Spoon Little Spoon and It's a Sling Thing


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