All items shipped after 24th September

Yorkshire Terraces and the Northern Sling Exhibition

It's a week since the Northern Sling Exhibition and I haven't had a chance yet to thank the people of Sheffield for their incredible hospitality and welcome.

Thank you to the team at the NSE for a well organised, well attended and frankly brilliant event. It was fantastic to meet so many of you, those who were Sleepy Nico users and lots of you who had come to find out about us and our carriers. There was such a great atmosphere and so many happy parents and children.

The lovely Karen, who does our social media made her first public appearance for Sleepy Nico and helped so many of you try one of our carriers on. She is also a volunteer doula, infant feeding peer support worker and Sleepy Nico user (and amazing Mummy). I can't wait to work with her in person again.

Our gorgeous new Yorkshire Terraces carrier went down a storm in baby and toddler sizes. Designed by Sheffield printmaker James Green we feel they really capture the essence of Northern cities like Sheffield. They are available on the website to buy. We also still have a few of our limited edition notecard packs left.

If you did buy one, do send a photo of it in use we'd love to gather all the Yorkshire Terraces pictures together. Please send them to

I hope to see you all in the summer for a very special celebration.


Angeline xSave

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